Cauliflower soufflé



We had some leftover cauliflower in the fridge and I decided to make a quick soufflé out of it. Soufflés always seem more daunting to make than they are if you follow certain key tips.


-1/2 stick of vegan butter
– 4.5T all purpose flower
-1.5C almond milk
– 2 flax eggs (1T ground flaxseeds in 3T warm water)
– 3C aquafaba
-1t red chili powder
– 1pinch nutmeg  [rml_read_more]
– 1C cauliflower, chopped medium
-3T nutritional yeast flakes
-1/2C parsley, chopped



In a sauce pan, heat butter, add the red chili powder and slowly whisk in the flour making sure that there are no lumps. Now do the same with almond milk and flax eggs again making sure that the roux is of a smooth creamy consistency. To this, add the nutritional yeast flakes, parsley, cauliflower and a pinch of fresh nutmeg and white pepper. Set aside to cool. Pre heat oven to 400 deg F.

Whip the aquafaba in a stand mixer or hand held blender for about 10 minutes till stiff peaks are formed. Now carefully, fold in the flax eggs into the mixture in 4-5 batches taking care to make sure that the peaks do not collapse (tricky part!). Quickly pour the mix into ramekins or soufflé bowl and bake for about 20 minutes or till a skewer comes out clean. Cool briefly and serve hot.



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